Hostels and Homes pt. 3

“By all means, go out into the world and explore. Kiss strangers, kiss friends, fall in and out of love until your hands and heart are libraries of all the people they have touched. Before long we all learn, right down to our bones, that some people are hostels, and others are homes”- Beau Taplin // Hostels and Homes

*Part One is about what it’s like living in a hostel HERE.

*Part Two is about shitting where I eat HERE.

Tribute to My Friends

Most of this series has been a robotic regurgitation, the skeleton of the hostel experience. But the 95% that matters, the heart of what made the hostel feel like home were my friends and the people I met along the way. This part is for you. Please understand this is over a period of five months, hundreds of people and I did my absolute best to remember most of you in some way. There’s a lot of love here, but some of you are assholes. Please forgive me and remind me if I missed you: *No particular order*

Luke C: You have such a pure aura, like the glow of a lamp. You were one of the first people who made me feel at home at the hostel and convinced me to stay without trying. Thank you for your guidance and support.

Bar: You contacted me so you could by the remainder of my hostel stay. I took time out of my vacation over several days to initiate this transaction. And AT THE LAST MINUTE, you haggle with me to save $30. I was blown, are you serious? If you wanted a deal, you should have told me in the beginning, and I would have given it to you because I’m a nice person. Pulling that stunt on me was shady and rude. Is the drug dealing not enough $? I hope it was worth it.

Mike (German): You never said much, ever. But you were the first person I smoked with at the hostel.

James May: My Georgia Peach. You were my Day One friend and longest companion at the hostel. Glad I went with you for your nose ring and you came with me to Tash Sultana. I think I gave you most of my papers and it’s because of you I puff twice before I pass. I’m in awe of how smart you are and your kindness which is only outshined by your natural swagger.

Cile: You were my first girlfriend at the hostel. I remember the night we went to a bar and bitched about boys. I’m happy you eventually found a job and a guy on Hinge who’s good to you.

Irish Steve: You would call me Pocahontas as a term of endearment. I’m flattered.

Shay and “Evil Shay”: I love your passion and knowledge for cheese. Your quirky charm brought so much joy to my life. I think a cow lost its udders when you lost your moustache.

Quinn: We went on a random adventure for Ovaltine and almond milk. “I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you.” That moment in the stairwell was where we became besties. Thank you for picking me up I needed you. There’s a woman out there who will truly be so lucky to have you. You’re incredibly handsome and kind. Don’t forget your value because you are a catch. Also, dayum…you need to sing and play your guitar more. All the panties drop.

German Lukas: You look like a Viking and slept below me. Couldn’t remember your name for the longest time but I shared laughs with your goofy girlfriend. Forgot her name too.

Raj: You made me laugh till I cried when I was on shrooms. The only time I went and enjoyed Boozy Bingo was your last night. You and Kat were always making music together. You would totally beat me in a dance off and I hope we can be magicians someday for $100 an hour.

Kat: You initially ran events and I love how you’re always singing. The world needs more music in it. I still owe you’re a CrossFit class. Also, if you want to see who’s in the bathroom, get out of the bathroom. They’re not gonna come out with you standing there =P

Billie: You are one of those exceptionally lovely women I look up to. You walked out with a mattress to go to the beach and tried convincing a young teen to borrow his skateboard so you could ride it on the tram. You were relentlessly supportive and helped me through when I didn’t ask for it but absolutely needed it. You’re a dandelion who makes wishes come true and makes everyone around you better.

Krystal: You’re a strong, badass bitch and I initially found you a bit intimidating, but I’m so glad I got to know you. I remember giving you back your wallet TWICE in one night and how freaking hilarious you are in how you state your truth. Thank you for being the best companion at a dinner too fancy for our ratchet asses and being my nap buddy on the bus. The universe has spoken.

Rudy: We never talked much, but I hope you’re doing alright.

Jim L: You are like sunshine. Being around you made me happy. You were the best part of my day.

Ruben/Tubz: You were the best, first, and only (I think) Boozy Bingo Sweet 16 Kiss I had. I’m glad we became friends after that and shared DMCs (Deep and Meaningful Conversations) about the Great Blue Yonder and beyond. I never got tired of you greeting me with “Hello, Gorgeous!” and the biggest smile on your face

Oisin/ “Austen”: What’s your name again? Haha…I remember one time you came home and had a shit day. I went in for a hug and knocked over your beer like a jackass. Thanks for sharing in DMCs with me too.

Simon: We didn’t really start hanging out/ talking until the “friend” who wasn’t really your friend asked to kiss my hand twice. You quickly and effortlessly became an indispensable part of my day. You’re one of the few anchors I had to keep me grounded, happy and sane at the hostel. Thank you for sharing your dreams with me. I truly believe you have the strength and smarts to get what you want out of life.

Dylan: Also known as “Not Simon”. I don’t know anything about you to this day but you’re still so damn likable.

Will: I think you win for biggest smile. Always.

James Boyle: You’re this curly haired party boy and part time avocado. I’m glad you’re doing what makes you happy.

Declan: Do you want a blueberry? Thank you for letting me take half of yours.

Harry: I still owe you a chicken wing. The shirt I bought from you in the hallway is one of my favorites and I still wear it frequently. I’m glad we met back up in Sydney for a picnic and hike.

Holly: My long-term girlfriend at the hostel, sweet queen with the booty, you’re a quiet storm, fiercely loyal and full of love for the people you hold dear. I notice when I haven’t seen you in a while and always appreciate when I do.

Fiona: This beat SLAPS, just like you! Gosh, you’re the life of the party all the time and I hope you never lose that. You’re the definition of bad decisions make great stories. I love your purity, shamelessness and presence.

Sophie: Didn’t know you much, but you were Fiona’s other half and you guys were an unforgettable duo. Hope you’re well.

Katherine: Loved your pancakes and seeing you in the mornings. You should know, at least half of us had a crush on you and thought you were “an angel”. You’re a sweetheart, like fresh air and sunshine.

Marie K: My bumblebee. We connected because your friend ditched you one night and we’re the same kind of Asian. You’re the sassy little sister I never had. You’re tough, stylish, loud and such a goof. You keep on keeping on, babe.

Tomas: Bonjour! Touché Pussycat!

Tristan: Thank you for helping me with my ABN. Made me smile whenever you’d call me “Mu Mu” in your French accent.

Jimbo: Ah, Big Jim, my Panda. You have a lot of vices to cope with your demons and I hope you can find better things to do with your time and potential. You are a truly good person with a pure heart and I don’t want the world to swallow you. I have so much love for you and I hope you find your way. *Pound it*

JP: Geez, you’re too much and I have this urge to punch you sometimes. You need to get your shit together and also pay your debts. Thank you for being there when I needed you. It was not one of my better decisions, but it is what it is.

Alan: You’re a little weirdo. IDK how else to say it. I’m impressed with how you would always sneak your way into the hostel or just exist. Good luck you you, truly.

Banjo: You’re a weirdo too, like, the crazy kind. (*Edit: He wrote in requesting to be referred to as “crazy cool” instead) But I do remember: One evening I was starving and about to cook food even though I was dreading the effort. You asked me if I was hungry and handed me a FULL plate of fresh, delicious vegan food. It was exactly what I needed, thank you.

Jaimin: Asian don’t raisin!

Ricky: Honey, you need to get your emotions in check and not waste them on the wrong people, especially not hoes. You have a big heart under such a sexy, nerdy exterior. Like Dayum…when you walk around without your shirt on, just don’t do that on the street or you’ll cause an accident.

Jan: I saw you every day for months and we were always on good terms…but we never really got to know each other. Never had a one-on-one convo. Funny how that happens huh?

Jacklyn P: You were at the hostel for a short time but left your mark. You’re gorgeous, free-spirited and self-assured. Keep shining.

Lino: When we saw each other, we’d stop what we were doing and hug each other once a day, every day while you were around. Then we’d carry on with our lives. It was a beautiful ritual and I want more of that in my life.

Gonzalo: My musician cleaning the kitchen. You flatter me immensely with your proposal and love. I am in awe of your absolute talent. I will always be cheering for you. I know you’ll marry a good woman, much better than me.

Joaquin: I can’t think of a time when you weren’t smiling. You are a positive force and I miss your face. It was nice to have you as my bunk mate for that short time.

Hugo: I gotta say, you seem to have gotten sexier since we parted ways. I guess it’s just the French in you aging like a fine wine. Thank you for the late night, top bunk rendezvous and your sweet nuts.

Celsiana: You have an incredibly strong presence and are a force of nature. Some people embrace it and some are fearful of it. That’s ok. You are enough and you are important. People who make you feel any less aren’t people you want to be friends with anyway. Also, no company is better than bad company.

Jamster: My hamster, you’re such a cutie. I hope you’re enjoying the tea mug. Wish I could have you around more.

Sadiya: I have so much respect for you breaking away from traditional norms and living your life the way you want to. You’re brave, spunky, intelligent and have the most gorgeous mane of hair. I hope you get everything you want in this world.

Tom: I will never forget your use of the word “moronic” in your accent. And I’m glad we have the same appreciation for eye candy.

Canadian John: You got any maple syrup yet?

Sophia/ Hannah: Whatever it takes. Hahahaha

Jason: I loved getting high, eating chocolate and talking about physics with you. You seem like you’re doing alright for yourself ever since you left and I hope you pursue your passions.

Jorge: Tu es muy guapo. Mi espanol es mal pero mi corazon es grande.

Mitra: You are down to earth with such a chill vibe. You gave me such a genuine compliment one night and I’ll never forget it. I’m in awe of your ability to go to work, then go out for hours after, come home sounding like you chain-smoked a pack, looking tired AF but still happy.

Celene: You’re cute, sexy, spunky and have the swagger of the “Grease” era. On top of that, you can beat anyone at the hostel in a dance off. Thank you for your “coworker” stories and your fair counsel. I know you can take care of yourself and I was always happy to see you come home.

Jacob K: You are the most negative person I’ve ever met. You are what I call an “emotional tampon”- someone who sucks all the joy out of the room. Dear Lord, I cannot stand you. I don’t hate you…I just don’t like who you are. Stay over there.

Mia: Are you ok? Just checking lol. You once called me out for talking to everyone except you. My apologies. Hope you’re doing well.

Ben L: Aw honey, you’re like a chilled out Scrappy-doo. You work so hard and life gets you down but you keep on going. You felt like a little brother to me after our second conversation where you were telling me about your mom and working on a boat in NZ. Don’t live too fast or die too young.

Maya: Thanks for sharing a ride with me to the festival. I’m proud of you for doing what’s best for you. It takes courage.

Nea: Babe, I still don’t know where your accent is from, but I love it. I love the gravelly abrasiveness of your tone and the sharp curls of your vowels. You make regular conversations sound like bitching…and bitching sessions entertaining to listen to regardless. Please talk to me anytime about anything.

Ben N: English bloke, always smiling causing your eyes to crinkle and when you’re high, you look Asian. Thanks for getting me stoned that one time before yoga class. Nice bumping into you again in Alice.

George: You were my first crush at the hostel. You’re a proper English gentleman and quite a stunner. Don’t settle for the boring, everyday drudgery of security. I hope you find more joy in your life and keep your dimples poppin’.

Brandon: Our token black guy with an incredible ass. Like wow. And your birthday is a day after mine.

Jasmine: We became friends late in the game, but grateful for it anyway. Thank you for listening to me (I’m glad you asked) and having my back. You’re fiery and you’re not afraid to speak your mind.

Joe: We were always good, but I’ll never forget how happy you were about the noodles. And you added an egg! I’m glad I could give you something you needed- I know the feeling.

Kim: You were by far the best “closing of the rooftop” even if it was only once. You dressed so stylishly. You’re a little crazy and a whole lot of passionate.

Nikolas: Don’t be afraid to do things on your own, to branch out, fail and make mistakes. Work hard, keep striving and keep going. You have so much creativity and potential.

Hannah: It’s not easy to run a hostel but you do it well. I’m sure you deal with a lot of shit, but you’re strong, you keep everything moving and it shows. Thank you.

Maxim: You’re this big curly dude always bringing the dog around and helping the place run. Appreciate you.

Georgio: You are a hypocrite. I think you’re an arrogant asshole and a shit person. I don’t like you and I don’t respect you.