Response to a One Star Review
“Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
*The above images are screenshots of PUBLIC review/ response on a PUBLIC business page this lady posted trying to bash The War Room School of Jiu Jitsu. Easily seen by anyone online unless the reviewing party wants to take it down ;)
Professor Jose has too much class to eviscerate a senile, old woman, now matter how untrue and disrespectful her claims are. I, however, am of the FAFO generation and I do not take lightly to someone coming after a man who handles his business with integrity and has done everything he could within reason to appease this customer who seems to have a proclivity of being unsatisfied unless she gets her way.
I would like to use some deductive reasoning and evidence so we can get to the bottom of some of these claims.
Some points:
“Shortly after enrollment, it was decided that one of my granddaughters would no longer attend. The owner had a one-on-one talk with her and was supposed to follow up with next steps, but that never happened.”
– It was decided that your grandchild would no longer attend KIDS class because they were showing inappropriate tendencies. BUT Professor Jose told you that your grandchild had hope.
They could attend the ADULTS class so we could all watch out for them, surround them with good adult influences and try to steer them away from those inappropriate tendencies. <-These were the “next steps” that were stated to you.
You never brought them to the adults class.
You never sent in a written intent for dis-enrollment as stated and required as per the contract.
We cannot read your mind.
Professor Jose sent you a text the day of your tantrum WITH IMAGES of the contract YOU AND YOUR SON SIGNED and initialed stating you understood the cancellation policy. He spends probably 5 mins going over this policy with EVERYONE so they understand.
“Despite calling twice about these unauthorized drafts and providing in writing accurate dates of the withdrawals the owner disputed my information and provided incorrect dates that were several months off.”
-Professor Jose gave you TWO MONTHS for free to keep the peace with you and make things right, even though again, you never provided a written dis-enrollment. And this is PROVEN by YOUR BANK STATEMENTS which you brought in to show a $5 charge during those months ($5 is the minimum for the auto-pay company without having to process a dis-enrollment, because written dis-enrollment was not given). And mind you, your other grandchild was still training during those months at a cost of $300…which you got for free.
So if you want to gripe over the $300 which you THINK you are owed, there you go. You’re welcome.
“The War Room is supposed to have a log of attendance and cameras to verify who attends, but my logs and the children’s parents' logs clearly show the correct dates. He was unable to provide proof to support his side.”
-We have attendance cards to keep track of attendance and yes we have cameras for security. Exactly what proof were you asking for?
This is actually a perfect segue to something YOUR SON said in one of multiple harassing emails he sent to The War Room inbox:
“My daughter hasn't attended the classes since Nov 1st of 2023, which you had no problems with collecting money for somebody who wasn't present and were given clear and concise information regarding no longer attending classes. You then proceeded to collect from Dec-April @ $150/ month, knowing that oldest child would not be attending the class any longer.”
If you look at the attendance card of said daughter, she actually DID attend class AFTER Nov 1st of 2023:
*Notice the dots marking attendance in November, December and January
Your son also said: “November is understandable considering that was in the "30-day notice" that was given to you,”
Was the ‘“30-day notice" that was given to you’ WRITTEN and GIVEN TO The War Room as required by the contract or some kind of delusion you both said in your mind?…because, again, we cannot read your mind.
Finally, your son said: “anything past that would be considered a breach of contract or an unauthorized withdraw.”
-That would be the case IF you had provided 30-day written dis-enrollment and we continued to charge you, which neither of you did. And on the note of “unauthorized withdraw”, both you and your son were there to sign the contract which states the cancellation policy and both of your names are on there (yours under your credit card number and his signing and initialing everything.)
It can be argued that your son used your card without your consent and he FAILED to provide a written notice of dis-enrollment and therefore, we continued to charge your credit card on good faith based on the contract you both signed , even though in YOUR HEAD you no longer granted permission.
If so, then YOUR SON was at best NEGLIGENT, at worst committing a FELONY by using your card for unauthorized charges.
If you want to slap that on his record…by all means go ahead.
Ok, back to your review:
“The owner only credited me for two months and promised to issue a check to reimburse us in June.”
-He did credit you two months as stated above, but he never promised to issue you a check for June. That is a BLATANT LIE. He explicitly told you that he will not let you extort him for another $300 since he already gave you two months free which he frankly didn’t owe you in the first place.
“Now he claims I did not follow the proper cancellation procedure and refuses to reimburse me further, even though he has known for months that only one child was attending.”
-He has over 100 students to keep track of. Are you seriously so entitled to think he would notice ONE child NOT attending?
Especially when YOU did not follow proper protocol to inform him of the cancellation?
“In fact, he asked a couple of times how she's doing.”
-Yes, because he cares about his students and you never brought her into Adult Class as discussed.
“I will be filing a civil complaint about these unethical business practices.”
-Feel free to do so, so we can publicly and for the record, display all the evidence to eviscerate your wildly misconstrued claims and show you how completely in the wrong you are.
Please never darken our doorway again.
The War Room School of Jiu Jitsu
Now, to break down her update:
6 of the owners friends decided to go onto my Google Business Profile and post complaints against my business in retaliation for the review I left on this page. I am a Mortgager Broker in NM and have been in the business since 2003. I have filed a Bullying and Harassment Complaint against all 6 of them. I am also filing a police report with the Albuquerque Police Department. I will update this review with the Police Report Case Number, Officers name and phone number when I return from a business trip Monday July 15th. The matter of billing with the War Room has nothing to do with my finance business. Thank you, Lisa.
*This relates to how you handle business as a broker.
Madam, you said: “The matter of billing with the War Room has nothing to do with my finance business.”
-I vehemently disagree with you on that. You had a CONTRACT with The War Room regarding an ongoing BUSIENSS TRANSACTION where you authorized us to bill you MONEY every month in exchange for jiu jitsu SERVICES. This could even be looked at as a form of a FINANCIAL AGREEMENT, especially if you consider the two months you were given for free for two students, while one student was still training during those months.
You nor your son ever provided a written notice of dis-enrollment as required by the contract.
You clearly show ineptitude and a lack of comprehension when it comes to dealing with those ^things as outlined in my analysis of your review. Judging by the disjointed, illogical 1-star reviews you’ve left on other business pages, I and many other people see this as a trend of yours and hope you reflect on yourself, because that level of INCOMPETENCE can be DANGEROUS, especially when you are brokering other people’s financial contracts as you do your own.
“6 of the owners friends decided to go onto my Google Business Profile and post complaints against my business in retaliation for the review I left on this page”
-When the idea of everyone giving you a 1-star on Google was recommended by another student the day of your review, we explicitly told our people in a 50+ person group chat that we do not condone that behavior.
Please refer to the image added to my review as evidence. Also, at no point (verbally, written, secretly etc.) did we ever imply, command or suggest otherwise. So, I truly have no idea what complaints you are referring to other than my own.
“I will update this review with the Police Report Case Number, Officers name and phone number”
-Please do. We personally extend an invitation to them to stop by the school where we will happily show them all evidence to refute your claims as well as tell them all the things YOU OMMITED, MISUNDERSTODD AND LIED about.
We also offer those police officers a free month of jiu jitsu training, so they are equipped to handle problems which are exponentially more important than this.
“I have filed a Bullying and Harassment Complaint against all 6 of them.”
-Madam, you have had an AGGRESSIVE ATTITUDE since the beginning of this whole ordeal when you charged into the school DEMANDING $300 from Professor Jose. He proceeded to explain all the logical, factual reasons why he did not owe you that as well as showing and texting you the supporting evidence.
Yet, you had the AUDACITY to still leave us a 1-star review, where again, you omitted, misunderstood and lied about things.
If anyone is the bully who is harassing people, it’s YOU.
To those reading this blog, thank you for taking the time to read truth and examine evidence.
I stand by everything I said and will repeat everything under oath in court if needed. This person and her son have continued to bully and lie because they have never been held accountable for their actions.
The buck stops with me.
I will not let some bitter, dried-up old Karen incarnate and her rotten fruit slander my school and Professor.
But as Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
If you know Jose, myself or have ever been to The War Room, please leave a 5-star review on The War Room Google page.
Drive out her hate with so much LOVE. Because Professor Jose is a good, honorable man who runs his business with integrity. He loves all the families that trust him with their jiu jitsu journey and holds that trust in the highest regard.
If you don’t believe me, look at EVERY OTHER FIVE STAR REVIEW or come by the school and meet us/our students.
We’d love to have you <3
8/5/2023 - Her review has since been removed form the Google page for “Bullying and Harassment” but I want to include this screenshot for posterity as it displays her utter LACK OF COMPREHENSION and her predisposition to LYING and MANIPULATION. First is her false claim. Second is screenshot of what I actually said in blog.
There is a huge DIFFERENCE between “encourage” and “WE DO NOT CONDONE” :
*Also…she tried to get me fired from a job I don’t even have. So there’s that LOL.
*Also: A cop called us this weekend about all of her harassment claims. We answered all his questions and showed him the evidence. He said everything we said adds up. He IS NOT CHARGING US with anything :) also, he said to write down this case number in case she gets mad and tries to get someone else to charge us: 240062651. So all is well :)