Black Balloon

Black Balloon

By Muriel Palanca

She fell so fast, she couldn’t scream, the night she went to hell.

The fire entranced her empty eyes and she was soon under its spell.

She reached to touch the roaring flames to see if it would burn.

The devil laughed above her shoulder and said she’d never learn.

She felt so cold; she couldn’t breathe, as the fire was blown away.

The ashy ground was calling her back to the grave where she’d been laid.

Her bleeding wrists were beautiful as she etched deeper into the skin.

She felt so weak and pitiful it had come to this again.

The blood had stained her torn, white dress and the flowers that surrounded.

She tried to escape the easy way, when she thought she had found it.

Then rain came down to wet her hair and the scars crossing her heart.

The sky was black as ebony when it finally fell apart.

The angels came in a great crusade to save her tortured soul,

But she hid her wrists. She wiped her eyes and said it was under control.

They emanated a bright white light and the warmth she desperately needed.

They offered her a pair of wings, but in the darkness she receded.

This barren place was home to her, so she thought she’d stay awhile.

Their halos glowed as they flew away, leaving her in her denial.

She looked around and closed her eyes to the fate she had chosen.

Deep inside, she ached to cry but nothing hurts you when you’re frozen.

Then a rebel angel took her hand as she slept beneath the moon.

He entwined her fingers with the silky ribbon of a delicate black balloon.

He said someday he’d rescue her and teach her how to fly.

He knew she heard him in her dreams as he kissed her cheek goodbye.

He’d fly as fast as he possibly could into the underworld below.

All she had to do was make a wish and let the ribbon go.

The rebel angel tried to leave but the devil made his move.

The angel accepted a crooked deal where he knew he would lose.

He always knew it would come to this because everything has its price.

The devil grinned vindictively as he handed him the knife.

She looked so peaceful in her hell as he cut the wings that held him

He sacrificed himself for her so she could have his place in heaven.

He’d bear her sins and suffering for all eternity.

The devil took the black balloon and her soul was then set free.

She flew away into the sky never knowing what he’d done.

The angel died inside for her though she never knew his love.