

By Muriel Palanca

How can temptation be so sweet, when longing only ends in misery?

Can bleeding be the only way the tears and heartache can be seen?

Am I the fool who jumps headfirst, knowing there will be a bitter end?

Is this moment of ignorant bliss worth going through the motions again?

Can promises bring a wall to the ground even when your fingers are crossed?

Are heroes still heroes when they’ve been defeated? Are they still immortal when they’ve lost?

Can fire still ignite the winters cold though the flames have been blown away?

Can loneliness be given wings if I got on my knees and prayed?

Why do roses come to life though their petals will be picked one by one?

Should I count on fate to pull the trigger when there are no more bullets in the gun?

Am I the rebel with a long lost cause who thinks it’s worth fighting for?

Am I a sinner for giving in because all I want is more?

Could dreams come true if I believed the lies and fairy tails?

If I take the chance, is it worth the risk, though I know I’m doomed to fail?

Do you think you’d hear the ocean crash if you held my heart against your ear?

If I asked you to, would you run away with me and take me anywhere but here?

Would this cruel world of six billion people feel empty without you there?

Do stars fall faster because the weight of wishes is too much to bear?

Would rain be drawn from heavens sorrows if a thunderstorm should break?

Can hate consume an empty shell when there is nothing left to take?

Would a shattered mirror reveal my soul, if I looked deep enough?

Is weakness just another word for wanting to feel your love?