An Ode to Bunnies

An Ode to Bunnies

By Muriel Palanca

A field full of furry mounds, each swaying to the sound of my generation,
Beats caressing their velvet petal ears, listening to sparkling harmony.
Wafers gilded with satin liquid are flowing through my fingers.

Multiple heaving bosoms, soft and supple, bouncing with the motion of
Rolling grass, waves of tumbling cashmere orbs cushioning
Each other, rumbling, hungry for ice cream and confetti.

Little beaded eyes dancing with rays of sunshine,
Wubble balls, pounds of dandelions without stems, muffled squeaks
Like a tummy of blubber my little tickle buns.

Twitchy pink noses like Morse code say, Love me because I am adorable!
Yes, you are adorable my Bunny Fantasticos. Sniffling,
So cute are you that I cannot possibly contain myself OHHHH!!!

Bubbles in a tub, floating on the surface making quiet explosions, popping,
fuzzy miracles of warmth and cotton candy.

Everything happy in the world, compressed into pocket sized
Bobbles, cuddling like a pack of fruit snacks.

Hopping and popping like a bazillion balloons with your
Skipping, padded paws, thumping on chocolate pudding.

You are soft puffy coconut baseballs making homeruns in my heart,
And you always win, because fluffernutter marshmallow peanut butter loot bags
Are like a never-ending party!