Please Stay

I don't want to share my thoughts on suicide, but I will because:


I've thought about it.


I consider myself to be one of the happiest people I know. And most people would probably agree. But, years ago, I was in a terrible mental place where I had been so beaten down by someone who made me feel worthless and despite my support system, I felt incredibly alone, hurt and hopeless.


I didn't talk to anyone about it because I honestly felt so ashamed that I would even consider it. I was able to logic myself away from the edge, but I know some people are not as lucky.


Whoever is reading this, I'm not going to tell you how to feel, how to live your life...or how to end it. But if you are considering that, will you please talk to me first?


I'm not giving you a hotline to call. I'm giving you ME, my inbox, my time. I want to give you HOPE and some OPTIONS.


Selfish is a word often used to describe suicide. You need to know that I am selfish. I am so damn selfish because I need YOU whoever you are. I need you to be here, alive, with me, on this planet.


Instead of doing something I could never come back from, I decided I had nothing to lose by going for broke. Literally.


My pragmatism would not let me leave behind all the money I worked so hard for without blowing it all first...which is part of why I started traveling the world. I know that sounds a little goofy and there were MANY other reasons. Anyways…


My point is, there is always a reason NOT to kill yourself, but it can be SO HARD to see it when you are that deep.


All I'm asking is: Tell me why you want to leave. Tell me what is so awful that you can't go on anymore. I won't judge you.


Just give me the opportunity to help you stay.


Please stay. Because I need you.


We all do.